Wednesday, May 25, 2011

why dis happening to me?

i've had tried my best for da person......i had sacrificed what should be sacrificed..
nothing less.....but all my doings had been paid by something doesn't worth it....please....don't make me regret da old times for being with you....stop making me feel so down and lonely......stop making my eyes being dried after cried soo much...stop making scars at my heart.....stop from pushing me to an end cliff.....stop making me hate you more and more.......plis........because my heart and my mind are strongly oppossing each mind keep telling me that we don't meant to be together....but my heart strongly says that you are there especially for me....i've been tired by the confusion between my heart and my mind......pliss.......don't make me suffer anymore.....i had suffer enough before........make me believe that my heart is right..please.................................................there nothing more that i can hope...just a little bit of consideration...